Celebrating women and girls in science
Feb 11, 2021

At 3M, we know that a diverse workforce makes us a better company.

So on International Day of Women and Girls in Science (IDWGS), we want to celebrate our scientists and help encourage more women and girls to enter STEM fields.

“If you’re a young woman who wonders if you should consider STEM, science is for you,” said Dr. Jayshree Seth, 3M corporate scientist and chief science advocate. “To all the girls who want to change the world and solve real problems that matter, science is for you. We need more people collaborating on solutions to the challenges that face all of us.”

Since its establishment by the UN General Assembly in 2015, IDWGS has sought to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls. By calling attention to women’s excellence in science, the day is a reminder that science and gender equality have to advance hand-in-hand to address major global challenges.

Currently, less than 30% of researchers worldwide are women. According to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), only around 30% of all female students select STEM-related fields in higher education.

We see a similar trend in our own research, too. According to 3M’s State of Science Index, of those who said they were discouraged from pursuing STEM careers, 27% around the world said it was because of their race, gender or ethnicity. That number jumps to 50% in the United States.

“Clearly, we all have to do more to remove barriers for people who want to get into these fields. By celebrating women and girls and their contributions in science today, we’re taking one step in doing that,” said Jayshree.

If you want to help encourage participation in science for women and girls, tag and share photos of the women in science that you admire with #womeninscience on social media.


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